Pool Gender Reveal & Family Session

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Last week, I had the awesome privilege of documenting a gender reveal for some super sweet friends here at Gordon Conwell. Josh, Mandi, and their adorable daughter Abigail are an awesome family, with an incredible love for the Lord and each other. Mandi (who's about 20 weeks along in her pregnancy) and Josh decided to have their ultra sound tech write down their baby's gender at their last appointment, keeping it a secret from them. Mandi came back to the seminary, gave the envelope to me, and I made a lil' heart piñata filled with confetti (and had to keep my mouth shut for a day before we did the shoot!). The joy on their faces when their sweet secret was revealed to them was something I'll never forget; this precious little life growing in Mandi is already so incredibly loved. Can't wait to see their sweet family grow when little Pool makes their debut! <3

Donald Family Session

Monday, November 25, 2013

The Donald's are a beautiful little family, with incredible hearts for God. Chris and Emily had their son Trace about two months ago, and the little guy is cute as can be with THE sweetest little cooing voice. The Donald's are a blessing to everyone who crosses their path, and it has been such a pleasure growing in friendship with them here at Gordon Conwell. They were super fun to photograph (despite some wet, crummy weather), and the love they share between one another radiates through every photo taken of them.

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